DS9 Relaunch

Synopsis Page









Prelaunch Adventures

TNG Adventures

Further Relaunch Reading

The Future of Trek

A Cartoon Of Me


Before Avatar and the Relaunch, there was backstory
The television was not the only place to go for access into the realm of DS9. Many books were written about the characters and some of it is important. Included here are the books you should read before Avatar which will give you a good sense of some of the characters or the world you are entering.

  The Lives Of Dax Jadzia and Ezri are both unique individuals with one symbiont in common. In their own ways, they wormed their way into our hearts and this book tells one story from each of the amazing lives that Dax had the honor of living. A lot of Trek history is involved but it is still worth knowing the references.

THE LIVES OF DAX (TLOD) Page 3 Ezri accesses Tobin and Audrid
  A Stitch In Time One of the most favorite secondary characters ever born is Garak. His subterfuge and mysterious antics over the seven years of DS9 gave him immediate attention. This story, written by the actor himself, is everything you ever wanted to know about the gardener/tailor/soldier/spy. I wished it wouldn't end.

A STITCH IN TIME (ASIT) Prologue Quote from 'The Wire'

ASIT- Mention of Bashir's enhancements p. 2

ASIT- Tain's plan to destroy the Founders homeworld from "The Die Is Cast" p. 3

ASIT- Events from "What You Leave Behind" p. 3

ASIT- Chin'toka system from Final arc p. 3

ASIT- Part One Quote "In Purgatory's Shadow"

ASIT- Events from "In The Pale Moonlight" mentioned p. 7

ASIT- Garak's mother, Mila, Tain's housekeeper p. 11

ASIT- Obsidian Order p. 11

ASIT- Garak's claustrophobia p. 12

ASIT- Dr. Parmak mentioned in "The Die is Cast" p. 14

ASIT- Corat Damar's memorial service p. 15

ASIT- Garak events: Damar's resistance, Ziyal's death p. 15

ASIT- The orphans from "Cardassians" p. 29

ASIT- Tarkalean tea p. 29

ASIT- Torturous wire in Garak's head p. 30

ASIT- Male attraction with Garak p. 32, 51, 142

ASIT- Garak's sense of humor and origins p. 36

ASIT- Nurse Jabara p. 37

ASIT- O'Brien and Bashir's friendship and its affects on Garak p. 37

ASIT- Vic's Lounge p. 38

ASIT- Events from 'Our Man Bashir' p. 38

ASIT- Touchiness of Odo about his relationship with Kira p. 40, 55

ASIT- A followup to the intense Odo/Garak exchange in "The Die is Cast" p. 40

ASIT- Naming the regnar, Mila p. 43

ASIT- A nod to the Jack Pack from "Statistical Probabilities" etc. p. 54

ASIT- Garak speculates events from last episode p. 55

ASIT- His dying friendship with Julian Bashir p. 58-59

ASIT- Barzan wormhole from TNG episode "The Price" p. 65

ASIT- "spoonhead" reference from Occupation-era Bajorans p. 81

ASIT- Cardassian novels in repetitive narrative as mentioned in "The Wire" p. 85

ASIT- Garak's smile and its origins p. 97-98

ASIT- Nephew to Martok p. 104

ASIT- Garak as a gardener p. 108, 154

ASIT- Edosian orchids nod p. 109

ASIT- Garak as a tailor p.125

ASIT- Garak's hatred for earl grey tea as mentioned in "In Purgatory's Shadow" p. 127

ASIT- "The Wire" headaches p. 128

ASIT- Part II quote from "Cardassians"

ASIT- The end of season six events mentioned p. 151

ASIT- Jadzia Dax's death discussed p. 151

ASIT- Worf's response to loss of wife p. 152

ASIT- Foreshadowing of "Afterimage" with uncomfortability of decoding Cardassian messages p. 152

ASIT- Hebitians described p. 157

ASIT- Lakarian City from "What You Leave Behind" p. 158

ASIT- Garak's holosuite program of the hot rocks on Cardassia p. 163

ASIT- Mila's body in the basement of Tain's house from "What You Leave Behind" p. 172

ASIT- Garak's claustrophobia on Tzenketh as described in "By Inferno's Light" p. 177

ASIT- More decoding of Cardassian information during the war leading up to "Afterimage" p. 178

ASIT- Cardassian dish, "tojal in yamok sauce" mentioned in series p. 178

ASIT- Events from "The Wire" p. 181

ASIT- Arawath Colony- where Tain retired ("The Wire") p. 181

ASIT-  Dorvan V from TNG's "Journey's End" p. 183

ASIT- Chief archon nod- position seen in 'Tribunal' p. 192

ASIT- Garak philosophy- spying as a sport p. 200

ASIT- Tekeny Ghemor mentioned ("Second Skin", "Ties of Blood and Water") p. 206

ASIT- The Sons Of Tain ("The Wire") p. 208

ASIT- The riding hound story from "In Purgatory's Shadow" p. 215

ASIT- The destroyed shuttle on Bajor mentioned in "The Wire" p. 219

ASIT- Singha Refugee Camp on Bajor during Occupation p. 223

ASIT- List of planets relevant to Trek p. 224

ASIT- Dukat, his father and Garak's rivalry (starting in "Civil Defense") p. 228

ASIT- Gul Madred from TNG's "Chain of Command" p. 236